Costa Rica

Producer: Daniela Gutiérrez

Tarrazú, Micromill La Montaña Tarrazú La Montaña Tarrazú is a family-owned mill. The youngest of three sisters, Daniela, is running the mill. She decided to finish her studies before actively joining the business as manag- er of La Montaña Tarrazú, four years ago. Now she’s in her mid-20s and keen on maintaining the high-quality standard of the coffee as well as optimising processes. They carefully pro- cess fully washed, honeys and naturals. Fully washed beans are mainly dried outside on the patio, whereas honeys and naturals dry on raised beds. Growing Region Tarrazú,Micromill La Montaña Tarrazú,Lot El Mango. Harvest Method Picking Altitude 1500m Processing Washed